Seedlings are very delicate. They need ample light, plenty of water, and some TLC. You must be careful though. Too much water will turn the seedlings yellow and begin to show root rot.
Here are some good tips on lighting amounts and when to water your seedlings.
Lighting: The bottom line is seedlings need light. It is recommended that seedlings recieve around 16 hours of light and 8 hours of complete darkness (they need to rest just as you and I do). To do this, I put mine on a timer which turns the lights on and off providing the right amount of light at the right time. Florecent lights work just as well as those expensive grow lights! I place my light right over the surface of the soil and move the lights up as the plants grow up. This helps them grow straight toward the light and promotes strong stem growth.
Watering: A good test for watering is the pinky test. Stick your pinky about a half inch into the soil. If the soil is wet then hold off watering for a day. If the soil is dry then I would give the seedlings a good drink of clean water. The reason for this test is to be sure you dont drown your seedlings. Even though they need plenty of water, they can recieve too much. You must monitor them closely and be sure to watch for any signs of wilt or rot. Seedlings will turn yellow from too much water and will begin to wilt and flop over if too little. Root rot is a common issue with too much water. Just follow the pinky test and you will be fine.
Any questions on this just e-mail me and I will be glad to help you out!
Thanks for the advice, it will come in handy come seed starting time.